Contact information

Enquiries and Support

  • Warranty registration

    If you have purchased a DEQX but not registered it yet, please do so using the warranty registration form. This will ensure that we are able to provide you with relevant updates.  

  • Book a DEQXpert

    To get the best out of your new DEQX, fill in the DEQXpert booking form to arrange a time that we can connect to your computer and do your initial setup for you. Or book a followup session.

  • Support request

    If you require help with your DEQX, please use the support request form. Be sure to provide all the requested information (serial number, etc) so we resolve your issue quickly.

  • General inquiry

    If you have a general enquiry about DEQX products, please use the Ask DEQX form. We try to respond to all queries within three business days (Australian time).

Shipping Address

Unit 24 / 38-46 South Street
Rydalmere NSW 2116

Tel: +61 2 9905­ 6277
Fax: +61 2 9905­ 8066