Support and downloads

  • Warranty registration

    If you have purchased a new DEQX, please register using the warranty registration form. This will ensure that we are able to provide you with relevant updates.  

  • Support request

    If you require help with your DEQX, use the support request form. Be sure to provide all requested information (serial number, etc).

  • Book a DEQXpert

    To get the best out of your new DEQX, fill in the DEQXpert booking form to arrange a time that we can connect to your computer and do your initial setup for you.

  • General inquiry

    If you have a general enquiry about DEQX products, use the ask DEQX form. We try to respond to all queries within three business days (Australian time).

Here at DEQX, we pride ourselves on our committment to long-term support of our products. The DEQX-Cal software is compatible with all DEQX processors dating back to the original PDC-2.6, and many original DEQX processors have been in the field for well over a decade and continue to be used daily.

User Manual

The DEQX User Manual is a comprehensive guide to installing and connecting up your DEQX. It also includes full details on how to use the DEQX-Cal software. While your initial DEQXpert session will perform your calibration for you, all the information is there for you should you wish to do your own room measurements, or even to recalibrate your speakers yourself.



DEQX-Cal™ is a comprehensive measurement, analysis and configuration program that interfaces with the DEQX hardware unit.

DEQX-Cal can be installed on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows from Window XP through to Windows 10. (An Apple Mac computer can be used if Boot Camp is used to install and run Windows, or a virtual machine emulator such as Parallels or VMWare Fusion is used.)


Firmware upgrades

DSP firmware upgrade, November 2017

Applicable to all current and legacy DEQX processors.

Click on the correct download file for your model and save it to your computer. Then carefully read and follow the upgrade instructions.

Model Download file
PDC-2.6, PDC-2.6P, HDP-Express (Mk 1), HDP-3 eqf68.1.pdc
PreMate Plus, HDP-5 eqf201.61.pdc
DEQX Mate, HDP-Express II, PreMate, HDP-4 eqf201.62.pdc
Instructions for all models PDF instructions

Display firmware upgrade, June 2020

Applicable to the HDP-5 and PreMate Plus processors.

Download the correct firmware file for your processor using the links to the right. Then carefully read and follow the upgrade instructions.

Model Download file
PreMate Plus
Upgrade instructions PDF instructions

Microphone Calibration

Accurate measurements are essential for accurate speaker calibration. Your microphone calibration file must be installed into DEQX-Cal for good results – follow the instructions below.

  • emm6-rotated

    Standard Calibration Kit

    Locate the calibration file on your installation USB stick. If it is not there, locate the zip file that includes your microphone's serial number below. Download and unzip the file.

  • m23-rotated

    Reference Calibration Kit

    After receiving the Earthworks microphone, contact DEQX Support with its serial number in order to receive the DEQX-compatible calibration file.

  1. Drop down the File menu and select “Install Microphone...".
  2. In the dialog box, locate the calibration file and open it.
  3. In the DEQX-Cal IO Manager, go to the Input Select area and click the Microphone button to select it as the active input.
  4. In the DEQX-Cal IO Manager, go to the Microphone Setup area, drop down the menu for Correction, and select the calibration loaded in step 2.
  5. Confirm that the Phantom 48V option is enabled.